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How to Fix Unsupported Hardware Message

The Problem

Microsoft rolled out a windows update that causes this unsupported hardware message below every time you try to do Windows updates. It actually BLOCKS you from being able to do any updates at all. This fix is a workaround until Microsoft fixes this annoying problem.

The Cause:

Supposedly this relates to older Intel 7th generation processors, and the AMD Ryzen CPU running on Windows 7. Microsoft’s only suggestion is to upgrade to Windows 10, or upgrade your processor. Here is the message you will see:


How to fix unsupported hardware message

The Solution

We have found a workaround that gets rid of the problem. To confirm this update below is installed already, go to Control Panel and Check for Windows Updates. That is what makes the message appear. Or if you have Automatic Updates turned on it will show the next time the machine checks for updates. 

  1. In WIndows 7, go to your Control Panel / Programs / Uninstall a Program / View Installed Updates
  2. Search for Microsoft KB4015549, and uninstall it. It may also be labeled something like this:” 2017-04 Monthly Rollup- KB4015549″
  3. Reboot. This removes the problem
  4. To make sure it does not come BACK, check for updates again. It will find it AGAIN under Important Updates link on your updates page. Click that link and find KB401559 in the list.
  5. RIGHT Click and HIDE UPDATE. It should not show up again whether you do manual or auto updates.

Notes: Some others have mentioned repeating the same process in KB4012218, could also cause the problem, but we did not see this in our list. It could be part of the cumulative updates in the Roll Up mentioned in step #2. So if you have this one showing in your list, repeat the same process above. Except in Step #4 above, it will be under OPTIONAL Updates not Important Updates.

For more articles and fixes see the main Tech Knowledge page.

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