System Hangs After Installing Malwarebytes
The Problem
If your system hangs this could be a conflict with Malwarebytes paid edition and Microsoft Security Essentials running at the same time. One or more of the issues may occur: System hangs, browser non responsive or BSOD. Although there is some conflicting information on this, Microsoft advises not to have more than one real-time anti malware program running at the same time, we agree.
Malwarebytes Hangs System
We have had several customers report that they were running Security Essentials + Malwarebtyes paid edition it caused the problem. If you have other utilities installed in addition to that like CCleaner etc, this could compound the problem. This is a known issue apparently and may cause your system to lockup, or reboot randomly when accessing the web as they can conflict with each other as the battle for who is doing the protecting.
The Solution
In all instances when Malwarebytes was uninstalled, the problem went away. Your browser comes into play as well. Chrome seems to work the best when trying to work through this problem as reported by customers.
Although technically the FREE version of Malwarebytes should not a problem since it does not scan in real time. Only the paid version scans in real time. That is unless you have the free version, and you happen to run a scan at the exact same time that MS Security Essentials is running. Our advice do not take the chance. Choose a solid malware program and stick with it. Microsoft Security Essentials is free and does a pretty good job overall.
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