How to do a Clean Install of Ninja Trader
(by Ninja Trader tech support)
If you need to do a clean install / reinstall of Ninja Trader, follow these steps provided by Ninja support. If you have any questions about this procedure please contact Ninja directly.
The procedure here is provided by Ninja support. This shows you how to do a clean install. It involved first uninstalling it if already installed, then how to properly reinstall it.
How to Fix It:
- Close all running applications.
- Then from the Start menu select –> Control Panel –> Add / Remove Programs.
- From Add and Remove Programs select NinjaTrader and click Remove.
- Then manually delete the folder “NinjaTrader v** located under Start –> My Documents.
- Delete any NinjaTrader installation files. This can be done by going to Start –> My Computer –> Search button –> search for (NinjaTrader*) –> select Local C Disk and then press search.
- Then you will need to clear your internet browser cache and history. You will clear this from within your internet browser (with IE, Tools–>Options, delete cookies and files, clear history).
- Reboot your machine.
Install Ninja Trader
Once these steps are completed, download Ninja Trader from here.